Weekend Workshop – Asana and Yoga Philosophy
This workshop is in German. For more information, please go to the German side of the website.
This workshop is in German. For more information, please go to the German side of the website.
Turning Upside Down: Understanding Headstand & Shoulderstand with Elizabeth Brass 28. Juni 2015 13:00-16:00 Uhr Headstand (Sirsasana) and Shoulderstand (Sarvangasana) are called the king and queen or father and mother of all the yoga poses. These names explain that these important … Continued
Katja Kull teaches a beginners class on Wednesdays from 8:00-9:00pm. This is a great way for students new to yoga to start with a one hour class or those who are already going to to a beginners class who want … Continued
Family Yoga: Asanas to do with Children with Elizabeth, Lucy & Stella Brass. 10 May 2015 / 2:00-3:00pm. Celebrate Mother’s Day in a new way!
May 02 & 03 with Katrin Voigt. A yoga weekend offers the possibility to intensify and concentrate on your yoga practice more than in regular classes.
Deborah Wolk, Founder and Program Director of the Samamkaya Yoga Back Care & Scoliosis Collective in New York City, will teach a weekend workshop in Berlin on Saturday, March 21 and Sunday, March 22, from 1:00-5:00 pm. The Saturday class … Continued
IYZB will be closed on Friday, April 3 (Good Friday) and on Sunday, April 5 (Easter Sunday). On Saturday, April 4, Elizabeth will teach the 10:00am class. On Monday, April 6, (Easter Monday), Ulrike will teach an all levels class … Continued