• Do you want to practice yoga at home but struggle to find the time?
  • Are you unsure what yoga poses to practice or in what order?
  • Do you seek inspiration and guidance for your home practice?
  • Would you like an experienced teacher to instruct you when you practice at home?

Weekly Online-Live Class Recording | with Claudia

90 min Iyengar Yoga Class, intermediate, in english for Yoga students with a minimum of 1 year experience and regular practice. 4,99 Euros per Video, 4 Weeks unlimited access.

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Iyengar Yoga Video Claudiyengar
Iyengar Yoga Video Claudiyengar

“Short Dive Into…” Video Serie about the new Level 2 Asanas | with Claudia

“Short Dive Into…” is an ongoing study, so there will be new videos allmost every week, fokusing on one level 2 asana. Video recordings are between 60 and 75 minutes and can be integrated in your own yoga home practice. Teaching language is english. Recordings are available for 4 weeks after purchase. Basic props such as 2 bricks, 1 belt, 1 yoga chair and a free wall space are of advantage to practice with this recordings.

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Iyengar Yoga Video Claudiyengar
Iyengar Yoga Video Claudiyengar

Gentle Yoga with Chandra | All Levels

In German: Die Gentle Klasse richtet sich an alle Übenden, alt oder jung, mit oder ohne Vorkenntnisse, die sich etwas ruhiger und mit mehr Unterstützung den Yoga-Haltungen widmen möchten. Ziel dieser Klasse ist es, das Körperbewusstsein zu entwickeln, Verspannungen in den Muskeln zu lösen und die Beweglichkeit der Gelenke zu fördern. Durch die Stärkung der Wirbelsäule und das Öffnen des Brustkorbes kann der Atem (wieder) besser fließen und sich innerer Frieden und Gleichgewicht entfalten.

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Yoga with Elizabeth

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Yoga for Relaxation and to buy one or more home practice yoga videos click the Button below:

These 15-20 minute videos will improve your yoga practice!

I’m Elizabeth Smullens Brass, Certified Senior 2 level Iyengar Yoga Teacher and Co-Director of the Iyengar Yoga Zentrum Berlin. I bring 25 years’ experience in teaching yoga to people of all backgrounds and physical abilities.
To get you started practicing yoga at home with more frequency and confidence, I’ve designed these sequences for you. When you practice yoga at home, you integrate yoga into your life and will enjoy the physical and mental benefits such as increased energy, reduced stress, and overall better health. These home practice videos will guide you with safe and clear instructions for both beginners and experienced students of yoga.

I look forward to helping you practice!

If you have any questions, wishes or ideas to share get in touch!

Thank you,