Claudia Lamas CornejoClaudia’s classes are precise, powerful and dynamic. Healthier, more powerful and happier – is the approach of her yoga classes
»In our hectic world it is easy to lose touch with our body. We ourselves can do something about the stress of everyday life. This is where yoga comes in. Yoga helps us to stay calm and centered to discover our own strengths.

In addition to weekly yoga classes, Claudia teaches workshops and yoga retreats on specific topics and publishes practice tips and interviews with international yoga teachers on her yoga blog.

Her new offer for you are video recordings for self-home practice. Infos >>

Yoga classes
Wednesday, 7-8.30pm, Level 2, ONLINE CLASS

Find out more about Claudia on her webpage:

Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher since 2018 (Level 2 since 2023)