Yoga, asymmetry and scoliosis!
From bahiranga to antaranga: the journey of the mind
Suitable for students and teachers with minor back problems, asymmetries and scoliosis, promoting posture, balance, strength, mobility, a healthy extension of the spine and awareness of the breath.
Marcia Monroe, longstanding teacher from the Iyengar Yoga Institute New York and author of Yoga for Scoliosis brings many years of practice and study experience to her teaching and her direct studentship with B.K.S. Iyengar and his daughter, Geeta.
Marcia considers Iyengar-Yoga, with its central emphasis on correct muscular-skeletal alignment, an ideal and in-depth approach to practising yoga with scoliosis.
July, 3-4, 2pm -5pm | Fee: 120€.
In english, german translation possible.
Min. 6 month of Iyengar Yoga practice.