Iyengar yoga offers a safe and effective approach to back care. In this workshop, we will learn simple and practical methods to heal our backs, restructure our body, and cope with stress. We will look at how daily activities may be hurting our back and how to modify activities to prevent pain and injury. We will learn about early warning signs and what to do to ward off further back pain. We will explore yoga philosophy which encourages both positive health and positive outlook.
This workshop is open to everyone with experience in Iyengar yoga.
Space is limited-Preregistration & Prepayment required
Address: Iyengar Yoga Zentrum Berlin, Hochkirchstr. 9/2, 10829 Berlin
Teaching languages: English & German
Cost: €40
Payment by bank transfer or in person to Elizabeth.
Elizabeth Brass, Berliner Sparkasse, BIC: BELADEBEXXX
IBAN: DE43100500000240282442
(030) 616 26 676