Saturday Workshop-Guruji’s 99th Birthday Practice: Twists & Abdominal Asanas with Elizabeth Brass 16.12.17 1:00-4:00pm

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December 14, 2017 would be Guruji’s 99th birthday. In honor of his birthday and to make time for yoga during the busy holiday season, we will have a special Saturday workshop focusing on twists and abdominal asanas. We will explore the relationship between twists and abdominal asanas and how they create a stable core strength in the body. Twists and abdominal poses can help ease stiffness in the back and realign the pelvic area. These poses open the hips, tone the stomach muscles, and strengthen the lower back muscles. Modifications of asanas will be convered to aid in relieving pain and tension in the lower back.

This workshop is not appropriate for students who are pregnant, menstruating, or anywone with disc problems.

Teaching languages: English & German

Registration & payment required before the workshop.

Workshop Fee: 36€

Bank tranfer with the notation “Elizabeth Brass Workshop, 16.12.17”

GbR Brass Voigt, IBAN: DE 79 1007 0848 0031 380900


(030) 616 26 676/